Military Body Armour

Serving in the military can be rewarding, but also dangerous. If you are serving in the military, it is important to protect yourself properly in perilous situations.
Unlike civilians, military personnel doesn't have the option of simply avoiding threats. Military members must face dangerous situations head-on. Having the proper military body armor can help ensure that soldiers are as safe as possible, regardless of the imminent danger.
When choosing military body armor, it is important to consider where the armor will be worn. Different body armors offer different levels of protection, for instance, in a firefight, a lightweight covert vest may not give you sufficient protection. It is important to consider what you could be up against so that you can be sure you are wearing adequate protection.
If you are going into a dangerous situation that requires close contact, some additions can be added to your vest to give you optimum protection from several threats. With all our armors, we can offer protective panels that can also protect against stab and/or spike threats.
Additional Military Protective Addons
With our Military specific armor, ballistic protection can be added to protect your neck, throat, upper arm, and groin. Ballistic SAPI side plates can also be inserted into specially designed SAPI pockets. Molle webbing can also be added to our Military specific armor, and this will allow you to add your equipment to your vest. As well as protecting more peripheral areas, these panels will further display to others that you are ready for even the most volatile situations. This could even prevent a conflict from occurring in the first place.
If larger rounds are fired, our Military armor can also carry hard armor plates - these will protect against Level III and/or IV threats, so your vest may protect vital organs against even armor-piercing ammunition.
It is important to know what levels of protection are offered by the body armor you wear in a combat situation. Body armor that offers protection from larger rounds is often heavy and can be somewhat cumbersome. Therefore, we recommend that our customers take the time to ensure they can handle their weapons while wearing the body armor.
You will also need to know how quickly and easily you can move whilst wearing the armor. Many people choose to practice drills while wearing all their gear. This is an excellent way to determine how well you can or cannot move whilst wearing your protection. Running practice drills while wearing your military body armor and carrying your weapon may be crucial to properly manage a combat situation.