
For 48 of the 50 states, the county sheriff is a highly-valued, traditional figure of law enforcement. Depending on a sheriff's county, they may find themselves heading just one or two team members (such as in rural locations, which feature...
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Ever wondered if the modern body armor used by our national police force is making a difference? Statistics from 2019 show that the number of U.S. law enforcement officers killed on duty has drastically declined with policing experts citing body armor is being worn by more law enforcement professionals.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a tincidunt libero, aliquet ultrices nisi. Donec libero ex, tempor tincidunt enim vel, mollis efficitur lacus. In orci est, blandit at sodales nec, aliquam vitae ante. Suspendisse venenatis metus at eros...
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec a tincidunt libero, aliquet ultrices nisi. Donec libero ex, tempor tincidunt enim vel, mollis efficitur lacus. In orci est, blandit at sodales nec, aliquam vitae ante. Suspendisse venenatis metus at eros...
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